International Academy
of Ecology and Life Protection Science
We are committed to Sustainable development goals in our activities.
Associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nation and ECOSOS.
IAELPS in Austria
«Arte et humanitate, labore et scientia»
(from Latin "Art and humanity, labor and knowledge")
We actively contribute to improving the quality of people's life and pets by creating open, free, equal and systematic access to the achievements of modern technologies (ecosystem) in harmony with the environment (Sustainable development goal № 3)
Ensure development of the innovative ecosystem that has affordable and environmentally friendly technologies to improve the quality of life of individuals and pets.
IAELPS Activities
An ecosystem for pets with disabilities and their owner
"Quality of life of pets with disabilities and their owners"
Health saving technologies, knowledge and practice sharing
"The quality of life of pets and their owners. Practices 2022"
The forum is held to draw the attention of stakeholders to the problems of the quality of life of animals with disabilities and their owners in Europe, as well as to popularize existing ways to solve such problems by communities, public and private organizations. The event is public and free for participants.
Vienna, January 24-25, 2023
The team includes two doctors of medical sciences with more than 20 years of experience in organizing patient communities, a PhD in pharmacy, IT architects and developers with more than 15 years of experience, certified project management and knowledge management professionals, sociologists and researchers with experience in implementing projects in international organizations of the Red Cross and the UN.
Support us
To implement our plans, we need:

1. Partners:
- informational
- technological
- manufacturers of products, goods, services and services for animals
- manufacturers of pharmaceutical products for animals
- interested communities and public organizations
- scientific and research organizations
- veterinary organizations and animal shelters
- projects and startups

2.Sponsors for the annual online Forum "Life Quality of Pets with disabilities and their Owner

3. Experts in work with grants and crowdfunding

Our non-profit organization is ready to offer:
Sponsorship programs,the terms of which are ready to discuss with you the director of research programs IAELPS
Volunteer programs,the terms of which are ready to discuss with you the vice-president of IAELPS
Partnership programs, the terms of which are ready to discuss with you the director of partnership programs IAELPS
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